Impact of Nitrogen Amendments on Soil Enzyme Dynamics under Simulated Wetland Ecosystem

Dharmadurai Chennappan

Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, 625 104, India.

Sugitha Thankappan

Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Biocatalysts Laboratory, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, 641 003, India.

Ramalingam Nachimuthu

Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, 625 104, India.

Kumutha Karunanandham

Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Madurai, 625 104, India.

Sivakumar Uthandi *

Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Biocatalysts Laboratory, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, 641 003, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims: To evaluate the influence of nitrogen amendments on soil enzyme dynamics in a long term incubation experiment.

Study Design: An in vitro simulated wetland ecosystem designed with rhizosphere soil was enriched with different N sources.

Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted at Biocatalysts Laboratory, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. An incubation experiment ran for 150 days, to determine the temporal changes of soil enzyme activities.

Methodology: There were five treatments replicated thrice. The N enrichment included in the treatments were aerated except S1 as detailed below: rhizosphere soil (S1), rhizosphere soil without enrichment (S2), combined NH4Cl and KNO2 enriched rhizosphere soil (S3), KNO2 enriched rhizosphere soil (S4) and NH4Cl enriched rhizosphere soil (S5).

Results: The soil enzymes such as dehydrogenase (24.59 μg TPF g-1 soil day-1), urease (49.27 μg NH3 g-1 soil) and acid phosphatase (38.57 μg PNP g-1 soil h-1) were observed maximum in NH4Cl enriched rhizosphere soil (S5) on 70 DAI (days after incubation). While, highest alkaline phosphatase (53.40 μg PNP g-1 soil h-1) and fluorescein diacetate (7.57 μg fluorescein g-1 soil h-1) were registered on 70 DAI in KNO2 enriched soil (S4) and KNO2 + NH4Cl (S3) respectively. However, all the enzyme activities, irrespective of treatments, showed an increasing trend up to 70 DAI and thereafter, declined gradually.

Conclusion: Enzyme activities registered maximum in NH4Cl enriched rhizosphere soil (S5) than other enrichments. Basal N application as ammoniacal form (NH4+) triggers efficient trade-offs between soil functions in the wetland ecosystem whereas, combined sources contribute to microbial biomass and redox status of soil.

Keywords: Simulated wetland ecosystem, nitrogen enrichment, incubation, soil enzymes, ammoniacal nitrogen.

How to Cite

Chennappan, Dharmadurai, Sugitha Thankappan, Ramalingam Nachimuthu, Kumutha Karunanandham, and Sivakumar Uthandi. 2019. “Impact of Nitrogen Amendments on Soil Enzyme Dynamics under Simulated Wetland Ecosystem”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 30 (4):1-10.