Effect of Different Surface Coatings on Shelf Life and Quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) CV. Allahabad Safeda
Sirisilla Saharika *
Department of Fruit Science, SKLTSHU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India.
Veena Joshi
SKLTSHU, Mojerla, Wanaparty (Dist), India.
A. Kiran Kumar
SKLTSHU and Associate Dean, SKLTSHU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India.
P. Prasanth
Floriculture Research Station Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aims: To evaluate the potentiality of surface coatings for achieving extended shelf life with enhance fruit quality attributes in Guava under ambient storage condition.
Study design: The lab experiment conducted in complete randomized design three replications on Allahabad safeda of Guava.
Place and duration of study: The experiment was conducted during November 2019 at College of Horticulture, Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.
Methodology: Guava freshly harvested fruits were coated with three Surface coatings viz. Aloe vera (12.5%, 25% & 50%), Chitosan (0.5%, 1.0% & 1.5%), citric acid (1%, 2% & 3%). The coated fruits were stored at ambient room condition. Periodically effects of surface coatings were observed for physiological loss in weight, Shelf Life (days), Firmness (Kg/cm 2), Total Soluble Solids (%), Titrable Acidity (%), Ascorbic Acid (mg/100g), Total Sugars (%), Reducing Sugars (%), Non-Reducing Sugars (%).
Results: Surface coating physical parameters, fruits treated with T5-Chitosan (1%) showed minimum physiological loss in weight during storage, and least decay percentage. Among the treatments, highest shelf life (9.98 days), highest firmness (2.76 kg/cm2) was recorded in T5-Chitosan (1%) which was on par with T2-Aloe vera (25%) (9.67 days & 2.71 kg/cm2) while lowest shelf life was recorded in T10-Control (6.45 days). Among the treatments, T5- Chitosan (1%) recorded highest TSS (10.33 oB), highest ascorbic acid content (122.32 mg/100g), highest total sugar content, reducing sugar and least non reducing sugar content (9.72%, 6.02% & 2.84%) respectively followed by T2-Aloe vera 25% while least was noticed in T6-Chitosan 1.5% on 10th day of storage.
Conclusion: surface coating of Chitosan1% substantially improved the shelf life with retaining better fruit quality attributes under ambient conditions.
Keywords: Chitosan, aloe vera, citric acid, guava and surface coatings