Identification of Biological Efficient and Profitable Cropping Systems in Central Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh

Rentapalli Balaji *

Department of Agronomy, CSAUAT, Kanpur-208002, India.

Karam Husain

CSAUAT, Kanpur-208002, India.

Uma Shankar Tiwari

Department of Agronomy, CSAUAT, Kanpur-208002, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field experiment was executed with ten crop sequences during 2016-17 at C.S.Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. All these sequences were evaluated for their system productivity, production efficiency, land use efficiency and economic analysis. Highest system productivity 320.43 q REY /ha was obtained through maize + black gram – potato – onion crop sequence followed by maize – garlic – green gram (291.1 q REY /ha). Highest land use efficiency (90.1%) measured through Scented rice – wheat –okra crop sequence while maximum production efficiency 121.83 kg/ha/ day was achieved by maize + black gram – potato – onion crop sequence. The highest net return of Rs.282799.0 /ha, crop profitability of Rs. 1075.28 /ha / day and system profitability of Rs. 774.79 /ha/day was obtained through maize + black gram – potato – onion followed by maize – garlic – green gram (G+R) crop sequence, while highest return per rupee investment (1:3.24) was computed on hybrid rice- wheat cropping system followed by maize – mustard- onion crop sequence (1: 3.21). Electrochemical properties were also evaluated in each cropping sequence. On the basis of different biological indices and economical analysis maize + black gram – potato – onion crop sequence observed as biological efficient followed by maize – garlic – green gram (G+R) crop sequence over all other cropping systems.

Keywords: Cropping systems, system productivity, electrochemical properties, hybrid rice

How to Cite

Balaji, Rentapalli, Karam Husain, and Uma Shankar Tiwari. 2021. “Identification of Biological Efficient and Profitable Cropping Systems in Central Plain Zone of Uttar Pradesh”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 33 (11):30-37.