Effect of Treated Sewage Water Irrigation on Yield and Quality of Mulberry

M. Arun Kumar

Department of Sericulture, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, India.

S. Chandrashekhar *

Department of Sericulture, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aim: Evaluation of raw and treated sewage water irrigation on yield and quality of V1 mulberry.

Study design: The Experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with four replications and six treatments comprises of different proportions of raw sewage water, treated sewage water and borewell water.

Place and duration of study: The study was conducted during Rabi 2019 in pre-established irrigated V1 mulberry garden at Department of Sericulture, University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.

Results: Data recorded on quality parameters of mulberry revealed that raw sewage water irrigation significantly increased the leaf nutrient content such as N (3.68%), P (0.4%), K(1.91%), S (0.34%), Zn (30.08 ppm), Mn (103.75 ppm), Fe (373.75 ppm) and also leaf yield (804.31 g/plant) is significantly increased in 100% raw sewage water irrigation, whereas higher leaf Ca (2.06%) and Mg (0.71%) content was recorded in 100% borewell water irrigated plot, and the lowest leaf N (2.82%), P (0.28%), K (1.33%), S (0.17%), Zn (18.03 ppm), Mn (75.75 ppm), and Fe (336.5 ppm) content was found lower in 100% borewell water irrigation.

Keywords: Mulberry leaf quality, leaf yield, raw sewage water, treated sewage water

How to Cite

Kumar, M. Arun, and S. Chandrashekhar. 2021. “Effect of Treated Sewage Water Irrigation on Yield and Quality of Mulberry”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 33 (15):28-35. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2021/v33i1530508.