Correlation and Path Analysis Studies on Yield and Yield Components in Musk Melon (Cucumis melo L.)

S. Nanthakumar *

Agricultural Research Station, Virinjipuram, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India.

R. S. Sankar

Department of Horticulture, APAC, Kalavai, India.

D. Rameshkumar

Directorate of Agribusiness Development, TNAU, Coimbatore – 03, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Problem: The correlation co-efficient indicates the nature of association among the different traits, path analysis splits the correlation co-efficient into measure of direct and indirect effects thus providing understanding of the direct and indirect association of each character towards yield.

Methods: An experiment on correlation and path analysis involving thirty F1 and six parents in muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) was carried out at Department of Horticulture, Adhiparasakthi Agricultural College, Kalavai, Vellore district, Tamil Nadu India.

Results: The fruit yield per plant had exhibited highly significant and positive correlation with individual fruit weight (0.845), fruit diameter (0.656), fruit length (0.536) and flesh thickness (0.503). Path coefficient analysis revealed that the characters viz., fruit weight exerted the highest positive direct effect (1.034) on fruit yield per vine followed by number of fruits per vine (0.497), days to first female flower anthesis (0.088), vine length (0.072) and fruit length (0.070).

Conclusion: The fruit yield per plant can be improved by making selection of these traits in yield improvement programme.

Keywords: Correlation, genotype, path analysis, muskmelon, growth parameters, yield

How to Cite

Nanthakumar, S., R. S. Sankar, and D. Rameshkumar. 2021. “Correlation and Path Analysis Studies on Yield and Yield Components in Musk Melon (Cucumis Melo L.)”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 33 (21):130-36.