Optimization of Boron and Zinc on the Growth and Yield Parameters of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in Nalanda District
U. N. Umesh
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Harnaut, Nalanda, India.
Kumari Vibha Rani *
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Harnaut, Nalanda, India.
Jyoti Sinha
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Harnaut, Nalanda, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The field experiment was carried out to overcome the poor growth and yield of tomato due to imbalance use of fertilizer and micronutrient deficiency. The objective to conduct this experiment was soil application of micronutrients alongwith nitrogen, phosphorus and potash for growth and yield enhancement. The maximum 90.39 cm plant height,the heighest 14.38 number of branches,the maximum 29.50 number of fruits per plant, heighest fruir weight per plant 2.46 kg per plant with yield of 518.25 quintal per heactare in case of technology option three application of 120.80.80 kg N:P:K ha-1 alongwith 10kg zinc and 1 kg boron per hectare as basal dose in comparision to other treatments. The lowest 80.45 cm plant height, least number of branches per plant 8.13,lesser number of fruit per plant 24.13, least fruit weight 2.18 kgper plant with minimum yield of 450.50 quintal per hectare was recorded in control.
Keywords: Nitrogen, phosphorus, potash, zinc, boron, tomato, growth, yield.