Productivity of Aerobic Rice under Different Lateral Arrangement and Nutrient Management
Sanjay Kumar *
Department of Agronomy, IGKV, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)-492012, India.
Sanjay K. Dwivedi
Department of Agronomy, IGKV, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)-492012, India.
Sarjeet Singh
Department of Extension Education, SKNAU, Jobner (Rajasthan)-303329, India.
Gharsiram .
Department of Agronomy DRPCAU Pusa Samastipur (Bihar)-848125, India.
Pradeep Kumar
Department of Agronomy DRPCAU Pusa Samastipur (Bihar)-848125, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
An experiment to assess the “Productivity and economic feasibility of lateral arrangement and nutrient management in aerobic rice” was conducted at the Instructional-cum-Research Farm, I.G.K.V, Raipur, (C.G.) during kharif season of 2018. The soil of experimental field was clayey (Vertisols) in texture. The trial was laid out in strip plot design viz., horizontal strips consist of 3 lateral arrangements and vertical strips consist of 4 nutrient management with 12 treatment combinations. The treatments consisted of 3 lateral arrangements viz., M1- lateral at 25 cm (1 LPH/0.3 metre spacing), M2- lateral at 50 cm (2 LPH/0.3 metre spacing) and M3- conventional practice and 4 nutrient management of N1- 50 % RDF, N2 - 100 % RDF, N3 - 150 % RDF and N4 - STCR- based fertilizer recommendation. Aerobic rice variety Indira aerobic -1 was used for trial. The sowing was done on 20th June, 2018 at 20 cm of spacing and harvesting of crop was done on 7th October, 2018.
The results of trial revealed that the growth parameters like plant height (cm), number of leaves hill-1, dry matter accumulation hill-1 (g), number of tillers (m-2) and grain yield (t ha-1) were significantly higher under lateral arrangement at 25 cm (M1). However, lowest value of all these parameters were obtained in conventional practice (M3). Similarly, all these characters were also higher among nutrient management with application of STCR based fertilizer (N4). Remarkably, lowest values were obtained with application of 50 % RDF (N1).
Keywords: Aerobic rice, STCR, conventional, yield, test weight.