Correlation and Regression Studies of Growth, Yield Attributes, Yield and Equivalent Yield of Sesamum Based Intercropping System

Dinesh Kumar *

Agronomy Section, ICAR – National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 132 001, India and Department of Agronomy, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari 396 450, India.

R. B. Ardeshna

Cotton Research Sub-station, Navsari Agricultural University, Achhalia, Bharuch 393 120, India.

R. K. Mahanta

Department of Agronomy, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari 396 450, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field experiment was conducted at College Farm, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari (India) to assess the association and interrelationship of various growth and yield attributing traits that determine seed yield of sesamum. The experiment was carried out in randomized block design with four replications and nine treatments viz., T1: sole sesamum, T2: sole sesamum (Paired rows at 30-60 cm), T3: sole sesamum (Paired rows at 30-30-75 cm), T4: sole green gram, T5: sole cowpea, T6: sesamum + green gram (paired 2:1), T7: sesamum + green gram (paired 3:2), T8: sesamum + cowpea (paired 2:1) and T9: sesamum + cowpea (paired 3:2). Results showed that seed yield of sesamum was significantly affected and positively correlated with growth characters viz., number of branches/plants at 45 DAS (r=0.656**), harvest (r=0.545**), dry matter accumulation at 45 DAS (r=0.687**) and harvest (r=0.553**). Various yield attributing traits viz., number of capsules/plants (r=0.671**), capsule length (r=0.618**), number of seeds/capsules (r=0.672**) and test weight (r=0.704**) significantly influenced the seed yield of sesamum. Sesamum equivalent yield was also significantly and positively correlated with available N, P and K status of soil. Regression studies indicated that the yield variations in seed yield of sesamum due to yield attributes to a great extent (80 to 98%). Overall, it can be concluded that better growth and yield attributing traits caused significant and positive improvement in seed yield of sesamum as well as its equivalent yield.

Keywords: Correlation, intercrops, regression, seed yield, sesamum

How to Cite

Kumar, Dinesh, R. B. Ardeshna, and R. K. Mahanta. 2022. “Correlation and Regression Studies of Growth, Yield Attributes, Yield and Equivalent Yield of Sesamum Based Intercropping System”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (1):54-62.