Studies on Yield and Economics of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) as Influenced by Spacing and Foliar Application of Zinc

Gali Haritha *

Department of Agronomy, NAI, SHUATS, Prayagraj-211007, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Rajesh Singh

Department of Agronomy, NAI, SHUATS, Prayagraj-211007, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Thakur Indu

Department of Agronomy, NAI, SHUATS, Prayagraj-211007, Uttar Pradesh, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Background: Sesame plants thrive in hot, dry weather. It is widely naturalized in tropical regions around the world and is cultivated for its edible seeds. The oil content of the seed is inversely proportional to its protein content. Most commercial cultivars of sesame are intolerant of water-logging.

The objective of the present experiment was to analyze the influence of spacing and application of zinc using foliar method on growth, yield and economics of Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) during kharif season of 2021. The experiment was designed with varying combination of spacing and zinc using the Randomized Block Design which produced nine treatments with three replicates each. The treartment combinations are  T1 – 25 cm X 15 cm + 0.25% ZnSO4, T2 – 25 cm X 15 cm + 0.50% ZnSO4, T3- 25 cm X 15 cm + 0.75% ZnSO4, T4- 35 cm X 15 cm + 0.25% ZnSO4, T5 – 35 cm X 15 cm + 0.50% ZnSO4, T6 – 35 cm X 15 cm + 0.75% ZnSO4, T7- 40 cm X 10 cm + 0.25% ZnSO4, T8- 40 cm X 10 cm + 0.50% ZnSO4, T9 – 40 cm X 10 cm + 0.75% ZnSO4.  The combination, T9 with spacing 40 X 10 cm and 0.75% ZnSo4 recorded maximum number of capsules per plant (54.60), number of seeds per capsule (60.50), seed yield (1.20 t/ha), harvest index (31.89 %). The application of treatment T9 40 cm X 10 cm + 0.75% ZnSO4  recorded higher net return (52,016.00 INR/ha), gross return (78,217.00 INR/ha) and benefit: cost ratio (1.99) as well.

Conclusion: 40 cm X 10 cm + ZnSo4 – 0.75 %, had the highest results for yield characteristics such has grain yield (1.20 t/ha), gross return (78,217.00 INR/ha), net return (52,016.00 INR/ha) and benefit: cost ratio (1.99).

Keywords: Economics, sesame, spacing, zinc, yield

How to Cite

Haritha, Gali, Rajesh Singh, and Thakur Indu. 2022. “Studies on Yield and Economics of Sesame (Sesamum Indicum L.) As Influenced by Spacing and Foliar Application of Zinc”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (14):62-67.