Agro-economical Evaluation for Intercropping Sugar Beet and Barley under Combinations of Barley Cutting and Nitrogen Level Treatments

A. M. Sheha

Department of Crop Intensification Research, Field Crops Research Institute, ARC, Giza, Egypt.

Mohamed Mansour *

Department of Barley Research, Field Crops Research Institute, ARC, Giza, Egypt.

Sahar A. Ebrahim

Central Laboratory for Design and Statistical Analysis Research, ARC, Giza, Egypt.

Ibrahim S. H. El-Gamal

Department of Physiology., Res., Sugar Crops Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt.

Zeinab E. Ghareeb

Central Laboratory for Design and Statistical Analysis Research, ARC, Giza, Egypt.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This study was conducted to investigate the agro-economic effect of intercropping sugar beet and barley under combinations of barley cutting and Nitrogen levels. Field trials conducted using a split plot design with three replications at the Farm of Gemmeiza Agricultural Research Station, Egypt during 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 seasons. Sugar beet planted on both sides of the bed and barley plant on the top of all beds at the rate of 25%of the sole culture. Sugar beet with companion barley under three cut treatments (no cut, cut before heading (C1) and cut after heading (C2)) and three nitrogen fertilization levels (80, 100 and 120kgN/feddan (feddan=4200m2)) were studied, as well as to study competitive relationships land equivalent ratio (LER). Results from this study revealed that cut and nitrogen treatments had significant (0.05%) effects on most traits of sugar beet and barley in both seasons. Significant cuts*N interaction effects were found for sugar beet and barley traits in both seasons. LER. were greater than unit (1.15 and 1.16) by intercropping sugar beet with barley under N fertilizer rate 120kg N/feddan with both no cut and C1. The effect of cuts and nitrogen interaction on LER across the two seasons increase the land usage. The highest yield advantage for RCC (89.49 and 73.54) was recorded with C1 at 120Kg N/feddan in both seasons respectively, indicating the effect of barley cuts and N fertilizer rates on yield and aggressivity (AG) values of sugar beet and barely. The highest values Total income (L.E.), Net return and economic return (L.E.) obtained from sugar beet under 120kgN rate * no cut or C1 treatments in both seasons. Agro-economically biplot graph recommended that intercropping barley with sugar beet under 120kg N rate * no cut or C1 drive the maximum values of productivity of sugar beet and competitive relationships and yield of both crops.

Keywords: Agro-economic, net return, sucrose%, LER, RCC

How to Cite

Sheha, A. M., Mohamed Mansour, Sahar A. Ebrahim, Ibrahim S. H. El-Gamal, and Zeinab E. Ghareeb. 2022. “Agro-Economical Evaluation for Intercropping Sugar Beet and Barley under Combinations of Barley Cutting and Nitrogen Level Treatments”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (18):174-90.