Comparative Evaluation of Physical and Mechanical Properties in the Radial Positions of Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Timber

K. Fairoosa *

Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Kerala Agricultural University, Thavanur, Malappuram, Kerala, 679573, India.

Suma Nair

Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, KVK, Thrissur, 680656, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


This study evaluated the variation of the physical and mechanical properties within coconut timber's radial position (dermal, sub-dermal, core). Properties were studied on the 55-year-old coconut palm from KAU coconut farm Vellanikkara, in Thrissur, district Kerala. The density of coconut timber at the radial positions was 862.3 kg m-3, 670.8 kg m-3 and 287.9 kg m-3, respectively, for the dermal, sub-dermal, and core positions. The average moisture content of coconut timber in the dermal, sub-dermal, and core positions was 15.7 %, 16.6 %, and 17.5 %, respectively. Compressive strength parallel to the grain at the three radial positions such as dermal, sub-dermal, and core is 32764.77 kg cm-2, 25591 kg cm-2, 7532.35 kg cm-2, respectively, and the compressive strength perpendicular to the grain was found as 46712.42 kg cm-2, 39233.3 kg cm-2, 22353.04 kg cm-2. Hardness measured at the side and ends of the dermal position is 1207.612 kg and 767.65 kg, respectively. In the sub-dermal position, 1035.7 kg and 750.88 kg, respectively. The core position is 252.34 kg and 359.31 kg, respectively.

Keywords: Physical properties, mechanical properties, Cocos nucifera

How to Cite

Fairoosa, K., and Suma Nair. 2022. “Comparative Evaluation of Physical and Mechanical Properties in the Radial Positions of Coconut (Cocos Nucifera) Timber”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (23):89-95.