Assessment of Genotypes X Environment Interaction of Black Gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) Using Multivariate Analysis

K. V. Patel *

Pulse Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Vadodara-389003, India.

D. J. Parmar

Department of Agricultural Statistics, Anand Agricultural University, Anand-388110, India.

H. R. Adsul

Agricultural Research Station, AAU, Derol (PMS), India.

Vikas Pali

Hill Millet Research Station, AAU, Dahod, India.

A. Y. Makani

Tribal Research Cum Training Center, AAU, Devgarh Baria, India.

H. C. Parmar

Agricultural Research Station, AAU, Jabugam, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Twenty black gram genotypes were evaluated at five different locations of middle Gujarat in kharif 2016 to assess the genotype x environmental interactions in RBD design with two replications. The data were analyzed according to the AMMI model and AMMI based stability measures (ASV Wi(AMMI) and ASTABi). Analysis of variance on the data pooled over locations and G x E interaction was found significant indicated genotypes performed differently in different locations. IPCA1 and IPCA2 were found significant in AMMI model and both combined accounted for by 78.7% variance of GEI. Environments viz., Devgadhbaria, Derol and Dahod were found high yielding environments whereas Vadodara and Jabugam were low yielding environments. Genotypes G3, G18, G16 and G10 gave high yield in environment E3, E1 & E4, E5 and E2, respectively as they were vertex genotypes in polygon of AMMI2. According to AMMI model, ASV, Wi(AMMI) and ASTABi, G19 was found stable and high yielding genotype, whereas G16 was unstable genotypes.

Keywords: Black gram, AMMI, GEI, ASV, Wi(AMMI), ASTAB

How to Cite

Patel, K. V., D. J. Parmar, H. R. Adsul, Vikas Pali, A. Y. Makani, and H. C. Parmar. 2022. “Assessment of Genotypes X Environment Interaction of Black Gram (Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper) Using Multivariate Analysis”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (23):471-77.