Response of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth, Yield and Quality of Okra cv. Kashi Kranti

Sangeeta Shree *

Department of Horticulture (Vegetable and Floriculture), BAC, Sabour Bhagalpur, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour - 813 210, Bhagalpur, India.

Reena Kumari

Department of Horticulture (Vegetable and Floriculture), BAC, Sabour Bhagalpur, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour - 813 210, Bhagalpur, India.

Vijay Kumar Singh

Department of Horticulture (Vegetable and Floriculture), BAC, Sabour Bhagalpur, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour - 813 210, Bhagalpur, India.

Sunil Kumar

Department of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry, BAC, Sabour Bhagalpur, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour - 813 210, Bhagalpur, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The present work was conducted to evaluate the response of okra cv. Kashi Kranti to plant growth regulators and micronutrients at the vegetable seed production area, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India during Kharif season. The experiment was laid out in RBD (Factorial) and replicated thrice. The experiment was framed with two levels of PGRs, GA3 (100 ppm,150 ppm) and NAA(100 ppm and 150 ppm), sprayed twice, first at twenty days after sowing and second at forty days after sowing. The maximum number of leaves (18.13), number of branches (3.48), plant height (104.17 cm), number of fruit per plant (23.39), fruit fresh weight (17.95g) and fruit yield (130.88q/ha), 1000 seed weight (78.49g) chlorophyll-a (1.84), chlorophyll-b( 0.81), zinc content (30.81 ppm), boron (22.55 ppm), copper (18.24 ppm) and germination (85.48%) was observed on application of GA3-100ppm, which was found to be significantly superior in most of the cases. Maximum net return highest benefit cost ratio (2.67) was also obtained on application of GA3100 ppm.

Keywords: Plant growth regulators, okra

How to Cite

Shree, Sangeeta, Reena Kumari, Vijay Kumar Singh, and Sunil Kumar. 2022. “Response of Plant Growth Regulators on Growth, Yield and Quality of Okra Cv. Kashi Kranti”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (20):688-92.