An Overview: Interaction between Microbial Endophytes and Root Exudates
Sai Shiva Krishna Prasad Vurukonda
Department of Microbiology, Agri Biotech Foundation, Hyderabad, Telangana State-500 030, India.
Shivani Chaudhary
Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, 221 005, India.
Shrey Bodhankar *
Department of Agricultural Microbiology, School of Agricultural Sciences, Anurag University, Hyderabad, Telangana State-501 301, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Bacterial endophytes of rhizosphere were able to reside in different plant tissues as a microbiome and from there they positively induce plant growth. Endophytic community structure in plant tissues is active and is altered by various biotic and abiotic stresses such as soil parameters, crop locations, plant verities, microbe–microbe interactions and plant–microbe interactions, both at local and larger scales. Root exudates include soluble organic substances, constitutes sugars, amino acids, organic acids, enzymes, and other substances. Apart from these compounds, the root surroundings contains lysates of cells, which released when root cortex cells are subjected mechanical damage, microbial graze, infection, or the natural pores formed in the process of lateral roots emergence. Since root exudates have abundance roles in plant growth promotion at different stages of plant life cycle. In recent times, the nature of compounds released by plant roots could attract group of microorganisms (beneficial) and particularly focus is more attracted towards the endophytic bacteria moved towards root surfaces and their entry into the plant tissues. In view of this hypothesis, the present review has attempted to describe the various functions of root exudates and their interactions with microbial community present with in the plant tissues and their positive effects on plant health.
Keywords: Biocontrol, endophytes, plant growth promotion, root exudates