Effect of Integrated Nitrogen Management Treatments on Growth Yield and Economics of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill]
P. B. Patel
Department of Agronomy, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand – 388 110, India.
S. N. Shah
Department of Agronomy, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand – 388 110, India.
H. K. Patel *
Department of Agronomy, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand – 388 110, India.
T. D. Patel
Department of Agronomy, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand – 388 110, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Soybean, being an important pulse as well as oil seed needs special mention to overcome crisis in edible oil production in the country. It is also called as “Gold of soil”. An experiment was conducted at College of Agronomy Farm, B. A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand (Gujarat) during kharif (Soybean) and rabi (Amaranthus) season of the years 2019-20 and 2020-21. An agronomical investigation entitles effect of integrated nitrogen management in soybean and their residual effect on grain amaranthus under irrigated condition. The experiment soil was medium in organic carbon (0.40%), available phosphorus (36.20 kg/ha) and available potassium (209 kg/ha) with soil pH (8.15). There were ten integrated nutrient management treatments arranged in Randomized block design with four replications. Integrated used of the organic and inorganic sources of plant nutrients on growth and yield attributes is very crucial for the assurance of food securities. Different observation on the crop parameters were carried out during course of investigation. Integrated nitrogen managements did not exert any significant response on plant population recorded at 20 DAS and at harvest and plant height at 30 DAS. All growth and yield parameters viz., plant height at 60 DAS, plant height at harvest, number of branches/plant, root nodules/plant, dry weight of root nodules, seed yield and straw yield were recorded significantly higher with the application of 50% RDN through vermicompost + 50% RDN through inorganic fertilizer (T3) sustainable agricultural productivity might be due to achieved through wise used of integrated nutrient management. At present soybean is one of the most important economical crops and having good nutritional response on healthy diet and information of same cropping sequence was not available for farming community so planned study on the application of organic sources of nutrients viz., vermicompost, FYM, bio-fertilizers (Rhizobium + PSB) under middle Gujarat conditions.
Keywords: Soybean, nitrogen, vermicompost, FYM