Screening of Big Onion Varieties for Sodicity Tolerance at Cauvery Delta Zone in South India
M. Vetrivel *
Department of Crop Physiology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, Tamil Nadu, India.
R. Amutha
Horticultural College and Research Institute (W), Navalurkuttapattu, Tiruchirapalli-620027, India.
M. K. Kalarani
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003, India.
P. Paramaguru
Horticultural College and Research Institute (W), Navalurkuttapattu, Tiruchirapalli-620027, India.
V. Rajanbabu
Department of Plant Biotechnology, ADAC&RI, Trichy-620 027, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sodicity is a major factor affects crop growth and productivity at global level. Out of 1.5 billion ha of cultivable land at global level, 23% are affected due to salinity and 37% by sodicity. Fourteen Big onion varieties were screened by employing germination test in an osmatic solution of Na2CO3 (Sodium bicarbonate).Simultaneously, all the varieties were allowed to germinate in distilled water (control).Three Replications of 20 seeds of each variety were counted and distributed over two layers of paper towel (21x21 cm) previously moistened with water equivalent to three times the dry weight of the paper and tied both ends with rubber band and kept in a plastic tray with different concentrations ( 0, 25mM, 50mM, 75mM, 100 M ) of Na2CO3. At the end of the 21st day, final germination percent, root length, shoot length, root dry weight, shoot weight, Relative water content and membrane stability index, were recorded in Na2CO3 solution as against the distilled water was calculated. The experiment was designed as a completely randomized design with two factors. As a result a decline in all onion growth paramers, with increasing sodicity stress has been recorded. Significant differences were observed between the varieties and different Na2CO3 concentrations. Irrespective of Na2CO3 concentrations, Bhima Safed recorded significantly maximum stress tolerant index compared to other varieties and minimum stress tolerant index value recorded bhima red variety. Based on stress tolerant index, Bhima safed variety tolerant to sodicity stress and Bhima red variety sensitive to sodicity stress.
Keywords: Sodicity, Na2CO3 (Sodium bicorbanate), paper towel, relative water content