Response of Integrated Nutrient Management on Irrigated Wheat

S. K. Solanki

Department of Agronmy, B. A. College of Agriculture, Agricultural University, Anand-388110 (Gujarat), India.

H. K. Patel

Department of Agronmy, B. A. College of Agriculture, Agricultural University, Anand-388110 (Gujarat), India.

C. H. Raval

Department of Agronmy, B. A. College of Agriculture, Agricultural University, Anand-388110 (Gujarat), India.

H. K. Patel

Department of Agronmy, B. A. College of Agriculture, Agricultural University, Anand-388110 (Gujarat), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Wheat is one of the most staple foods of the Nepalese diet which is grown in the winter season in most of the area of the country. The study was carried out during winter of the year 2019-2020 at College Agronomy Farm, B.A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand (Gujarat) to study the response of Integrated Nutrient Management in irrigated wheat under sandy loam soil. Experimental soil is low in organic carbon (0.39 %) and medium in available phosphorus (37.22 kg/ha) and potassium (247 kg/ha) with slightly alkaline (pH 7.85) in reaction.  Application of 75% RDN + 25% N through neem cake + Jeevamrut (500 lit/ha) treatment reported significantly higher growth attributes and yield attributes like plant height at 30 (25.76 cm), 60 (71.84 cm) DAS and at harvest (119.64 cm), length of spike (10.35 cm), number of effective (305) and total tillers (351), no of grains per spike (49.62). Wheat grain (6389 kg/ha) and straw yield (8950 kg/ha) were significantly higher in 75% RDN + 25% N through neem cake + Jeevamrut (500 lit/ha). Crude protein content (13.75 %), soil organic carbon (0.48%) and available phosphorus (53.52 kg/ha) was higher by application of 75% RDN + 25% N through neem cake + Jeevamrut (500 lit/ha). Soil microbial population after second and third irrigation was found to be significant by application of 50% RDN + 25% N through neem cake + NP consortium + Jeevamrut (500 lit/ha), while after first irrigation response of treatment on soil microbial population, soil pH and EC were found non-significant (p=0.05).

Keywords: Jeevamrut, beejamrut, irrigated wheat, grain yield, neem cake and economics

How to Cite

Solanki, S. K., H. K. Patel, C. H. Raval, and H. K. Patel. 2022. “Response of Integrated Nutrient Management on Irrigated Wheat”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (22):55-60.