Standardization of Drying Techniques of Dahlia, Larkspur and China Aster

. Zomuansangi *

Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Naini Agriculture Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh - 211007, India.

Devi Singh

Department of Floriculture and Landscaping, Naini Agriculture Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh - 211007, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The present experiment was carried out to standardize drying methods for Dahlia, Larkspur and China Aster and to assess the influence of drying and storage methods on storage quality of the dried flowers. Flowers of Dahlia, Larkspur and China Aster were subjected to seven different drying methods viz., shade drying method without embedding medium (T1), with sand embedding (T2) and with silica gel embedding (T3), microwave oven drying with sand (T4) and silica gel embedding (T5), hot air oven drying at 450C with sand (T6) and silica gel embedding (T7) and stored in cardboard and plastic boxes for three months. Data were statistically analyzed in Completely Randomized Design. The results indicated that in Dahlia, maximum moisture loss (88.25 %) and maximum per cent retention of perimeter (95.28) was observed in T7. In Larkspur, maximum moisture loss (73.43 %) was observed in T1 and maximum percent retention of perimeter (89.62 %) was observed in T4. In China Aster, maximum moisture loss (89.10 %) was observed in T5 and maximum percent retention of perimeter (95.29%) was observed in T6. Time taken for drying was found minimum in silica embedded drying in microwave oven in Dahlia (0.00208 days), Larkspur (0.00139 days) and China Aster (0.00278 days) while, shade dried flowers took maximum time to dry in Dahlia (14.0 days), Larkspur (12.0 days) and in China Aster (15.0 days). Maximum quality score on visual basis of color, appearance, texture and shattering of petals in dried flowers of Dahlia (15.73) was observed in T7, in T4 for Larkspur (15.63) and in T6 for China Aster (15.51). After 90 days of storage, minimum color fading in Dahlia, Larkspur and China aster was observed in flowers stored in plastic boxes while there was no incidence of pests or diseases observed during storage.

Keywords: Drying methods, embedding medium, storage methods, sensory evaluation

How to Cite

Zomuansangi, ., and Devi Singh. 2022. “Standardization of Drying Techniques of Dahlia, Larkspur and China Aster”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (22):917-26.