Comparative Efficacy of Insecticides, NSKE and Karanj Oil against Shoot and Fruit Borer, Earias vittella (Fabricius.) on Okra

Nikhil Lella *

Department of Entomology, SHUATS, Prayagraj, India.

Anoorag R. Tayde

Department of Entomology, SHUATS, Prayagraj, India.

Kommoji Phani Sai

Department of Entomology, SHUATS, Prayagraj, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field trail was conducted at Central Research Farm, SHUATS, Naini, Prayagraj, U.P. during kharif season of 2021. The field was laid in Randomised block Design with seven treatments replicated thrice viz., Neem oil 3%, Indoxacarb 14.5% SC, Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC, NSKE 5%, Emamectin benzoate 5SG, Karanj oil 2%, Flubendiamide 480 SC along with control plot. The results after first and second spray revealed that among the different treatments, Emamectin benzoate 5SG (10.82% and 11.64%) recorded lowest percent infestation of Earias vittella followed by Flubendiamide 480 SC (15.92% and 17.25%), Indoxacarb 14.5SC (17.06% and 18.45%), Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC (18.13% and 18.52%), Neem oil 3% (20.44% and 20.69%), NSKE 5% (21.44% and 21.12%) and Karanj oil 2% (24.16% and 23.61) was the least effective among all treatments with percent shoot and fruit infestation respectively. Among all treatments studied, the best and most economical treatment was Emamectin benzoate 5SG (1:5.60), Flubendiamide 480 SC (1:5.44), Indoxacarb 14.5SC (1:5.33), Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC (1:5.08) followed by Neem oil 3% (1:4.89), NSKE 5% (1:4.81) and the least cost benefit ratio was observed in Karanj oil 2% (1:4.66) when compared to control plot (1:2.82).

Keywords: Botanicals, Earias vittella, Emamectin benzoate, flubendiamude, Karanj oil, NSKE, okra

How to Cite

Lella, Nikhil, Anoorag R. Tayde, and Kommoji Phani Sai. 2022. “Comparative Efficacy of Insecticides, NSKE and Karanj Oil Against Shoot and Fruit Borer, Earias Vittella (Fabricius.) on Okra”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (22):927-33.