Agronomic Response of Bell Pepper to the Aplicatión of Ultrasol Chile® in Fertigatión to the Open Field
Josué Israel García López
Centro de Capacitacióny Desarrollo en Tecnología de Semillas, Departamento de Fitomejoramiento, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro 1923, Saltillo, Coahuila, CP-25315. México.
Antonio Flores Naveda
Centro de Capacitacióny Desarrollo en Tecnología de Semillas, Departamento de Fitomejoramiento, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro 1923, Saltillo, Coahuila, CP-25315. México.
Francisco Alfonso Gordillo Melgoza
Centro de Capacitacióny Desarrollo en Tecnología de Semillas, Departamento de Fitomejoramiento, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro 1923, Saltillo, Coahuila, CP-25315. México.
Perpetuo Álvarez Vázquez
Departamento de Recursos Naturales Renovables, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, Saltillo, Coahuila, CP-25315, México.
Martín Cadena Zapata
Departamento de Maquinaria Agrícola, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, Saltillo, Coahuila, CP-25315, México.
Xochitl Ruelas Chacón
Departamento de Cienciay Tecnología de Alimentos, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Calzada Antonio Narro 1923, Saltillo, Coahuila, CP-25315 México.
Neymar Camposeco Montejo *
Centro de Capacitacióny Desarrollo en Tecnología de Semillas, Departamento de Fitomejoramiento, Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro 1923, Saltillo, Coahuila, CP-25315. México.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aims: To determine the agronomic response of the bell pepper grown in open field to the application of the Ultrasol chile® fertilizer via fertigation.
Study Design: It was with the completely randomized model with five treatments (T0 or control, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 g L-1 of Ultrasol chile®) and four repetitions each. The comparison of means was by Tukey ≤ .05.
Place and Duration of Study: Experimental fields "the Bajío” Buenavista, Plant Breeding Department of the Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro. between June 2019 to December 2019.
Methodology: In bell pepper five treatments were applied (T0 or control, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 g L-1 of Ultrasol chile®). The treatments were carried out via fertigation and applied three times a week, the applications started 15 days after the transplant and until the end of the cycle.
Results: The yield behaved in a similar way with the applied doses of the fertilizer, however, they exceeded the control by more than 90%. Average fruit weight (AFW), fruit length (FL) and equatorial diameter of fruit (EDF) showed a differential statistical response, in which the application of 1 g L-1 of Ultrasol chile® via fertigation resulted in a better response and it surpassed the control in 120, 44 and 13.5% respectively. The height of the plant was statistically similar between the control and the 1.2 and 0.8 g L-1 treatments. The correlations indicate that the crop yield is a function of the AFW, FL and NFP, in turn the FL and EDF, are what determine the AFW.
Conclusion: The most appropriate dose of Ultrasol chile® for bell pepper grown in the open field was 1 g L-1, since it improves the average weight of fruit, equatorial diameter of fruit and length of fruit, therefore, there is feasibility in the use of this commercial formulation.
Keywords: Capsicum annuum, yield, nutritive solution, irrigation