Variability and Character Association Studies in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum. L)
T. Harish Vikram *
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural College Bapatla, ANGRAU, India.
T. Haritha
Agricultural College Farm Bapatla, ANGRAU, India.
H. N. Satyanarayana
RARS, LAM, Guntur, ANGRAU, India.
M. Swapna
Biochemistry, Agricultural College Bapatla, ANGRAU, India.
V. Jayalakshmi
RARS, Nandyal, ANGRAU, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Present study was conducted with an objective of knowing degree of variability and association studies among 64 chickpea genotypes including both desi and kabuli for 13 quantitative and six quality traits during Rabi 2021-22. High PCV and GCV estimates were observed for total number of seeds per plant followed by number of pods per plant, biological yield, tannic acid, 100 seed weight and seed yield. Low estimates were found for phenological traits like days to first flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to maturity and quality parameters like protein content, phytic acid. High heritability and high genetic advance as per cent mean was shown by total number of seeds per plant, plant height, number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant and harvest index indicating the influence of additive gene action. Character association studies revealed that number of secondary branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, total number of seeds per plant and 100 seed weight showed positive significant correlation with seed yield. Some of the quality parameters like total free amino acid, phytic acid, total flavonoids were also associated positively with seed yield. Path coefficient analysis revealed that days to first flowering, plant height, number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant and number of pods per plant showed positive correlation due to their positive direct effect on seed yield. Hence knowledge about these biometrical techniques help in designing the selection procedure for effective exploitation of variability and the association of traits with yield for chickpea improvement.
Keywords: Chickpea, correlation, GCV (Genotypic Coefficient of Variation), genetic advance as per cent mean, heritability and path coefficient analysis