Bulking Behaviour of Promising Potato Varieties in Northern Region of Bangladesh
Muhammad Waliur Rahman
Breeder Seed Production Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Debiganj, Panchagarh, Bangladesh.
Saiful Islam *
Advanced Seed Research and Biotech Centre, ACI Limited, Gulshan, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md. Zakaria Masud
Breeder Seed Production Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Debiganj, Panchagarh, Bangladesh.
Md. Mohiuddin Sheikh
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Burrirhatj, Rangpur, Bangladesh.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The experiment was conducted at Breeder Seed Production Centre, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Debiganj, Panchagarh during November to February of 2014-2015 to learn about the bulking behavior of promising potato varieties in Bangladesh with the suitable time of harvest for getting desirable yield. The experiment was employed with randomized complete block design (RCBD) with six harvesting time at 10 days interval started from 40 days after planting (DAP) and continued up to 90 DAP. Six promising potato varieties such as Bari Alu 40 (4.45w), Bari Alu 41 (5.183), Bari Alu42 (Agila), Bari Alu 43 (Atlas), Bari Alu 44 (Elgar) and Bari Alu 45 (Steffi) were included in the study. Tuber yield was increased up to 90 DAP for all the varieties. The highest tuber yield (55.86ton/ha) was recorded in Bari Alu 45 (Steffi) and the lowest yield of tuber was observed in Bari Alu 43 (Atlas) at 90 DAP. The tuber yield increase rate of Bari Alu 45 (Steffi), Bari Alu 41 (5.183), Bari Alu 42 (Agila) and Bari Alu 40 (4.45w) were reasonable up to 90 DAP, while the increase rate of Bari Alu 43 (Atlas) was reasonable up to 80 DAP and Bari Alu 44 (Elgar) was up to 70 DAP. Bari Alu 44 (Elgar) may be harvested as early variety among the varieties. The percent dry matter was increased up to 90 DAP for all the varieties. The growth rate of tuber was higher at 60–70 DAP for all the varieties except Bari Alu 41 (5.183). In case of Bari Alu 41 (5.183) tuber growth rate was higher at 70-80 DAP. Finally, our study demonstrated that, the optimal period to harvest potatoes is 90 days after planting (DAP), when the tubers are at their largest size, have the most yield, and have accumulated the maximum dry matter.
Keywords: Dry matter, days to harvest, potato, tuber growth rate, yield