Comparative Efficacy of Certain Chemicals and Biopesticides against Pod Borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) on Chickpea

Yarumreddy Sunil Reddy *

Department of Entomology, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, India.

Anoorag R. Tayde

Department of Entomology, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The present field investigation was carried out in the Prayagraj district of Uttar Pradesh. The experiment was conducted in rabi 2021 -22 at Central Research Farm, SHUATS, Naini, Prayagraj. The field replicated in RBD with seven treatments and one control plot. To check the comparative efficacy of certain chemicals and biopesticides against pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) on chickpea. The result of the efficacy of treatments showed that both chemicals and Biopesticides are effective against pod borer even if they have slight percent larval reductions. The different chemicals and Biopesticide treatments reveal that the most effective population infestation of pod borer, was recorded in, Chlorantraniliprole (0.46) followed by Spinosad (0.80), Emamectin benzoate (01.13), NSKE (01.46), Beauveria bassiana (01.66), Metarhizium anisiopilae (02.00), Bacillus thurenginesis (02.26) and the highest population of Pod borer was found in Control T0 (5.2). In another parameter higher yield and benefit cost ratio was recorded in chlorantraniliprole (18.89 q/ha and 1:2.21) followed by Spinosad (17.30 q/ha and 1:2.18), Emamectin Benzoate (15.80 q/ha and 1:2.14), NSKE (14.90 q/ha and 1:1.88), Beauveria bassiana (13.50 q/ha and 1:2.01), Metarhizium anisiopilae (11.63 q/ha and 1:1.50), Bacillus thurenginesis (9.80 q/ha and 1:1.62) as compared to control (7.42 q/ha and 1:2.01).

Keywords: Biopesticides, cost benefit ratio, efficacy, Helicoverpa armigera, insecticides

How to Cite

Reddy, Yarumreddy Sunil, and Anoorag R. Tayde. 2022. “Comparative Efficacy of Certain Chemicals and Biopesticides Against Pod Borer, Helicoverpa Armigera (Hubner) on Chickpea”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (24):249-53.