Effect of Front Line Demonstration on Integrated Nutrient Management of Soil Fertility in Wheat Crop in Eastern Part of Uttar Pradesh, India
D. P. Singh *
NICRA Project, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, (ANDUAT), Basuli, Mahrajganj (U.P.), India.
V. Chandra
NICRA Project, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, (ANDUAT), Basuli, Mahrajganj (U.P.), India.
Abhishek Govind Rao
NICRA Project, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, (ANDUAT), Basuli, Mahrajganj (U.P.), India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A field experiment was carried out during the rabi season of 2020-21 and 2021-22 at Krishi Vigyan Kendra (ANDUAT), Mahrajganj. The study is Frontline Demonstration at adopted farmers’ field in six blocks viz. Sadar, Siswa Bazar, Meethora, Laxmipur.Ghughali and Nichlol of Mahrajganj, U.P, India. A total of 110 participating and 110 non-participating farmers from 10 representative villages were selected through stratified random sampling method to evaluate the different levels of INM on soil fertility of wheat. The experiment was comprising sixteen treatments viz. T1- control, T2- 100%RDF, T3- 100%RDF+S+Zn, T4- 100% R.D.F. + S + Zn + bio-fertilizer (Azotobactor+ P.S.B.), T5- 100% R.D.F. + 25% N through F.Y.M. + S, T6- 100% R.D.F. + 25% N through F.Y.M. + S + Zn, T7-100% R.D.F. + 25% N through F.Y.M. + S + Zn + bio-fertilizer (Azotobactor+ P.S.B.), T8- 100% R.D.F. + 25% N through vermi compost + S+Zn + bio-fertilizer (Azotobactor+ P.S.B.), Integration of organic manures showed slight increase in EC value while inorganic fertilizers showed slight decrease in EC values in comparison to its initial value which is obviously due to decomposition of organic matter in soil. Maximum increase in organic carbon content was noted with the integration of organic treatments followed by inorganic treatments. It could be due to organic matter decomposition and mineralization caused by a low C: N ratio. During both years, the status of N, P, K,S, and Zn increased slightly in all treatments when compared to their initial values, with the exception of the control. Maximum increase in available status of N, P, K, S and Zn was recorded with integration of inorganic, organic and bio-fertilizers with 100% RDF.T11 (100 % R.D.F. + 25% N through vermicompost+S + Zn + bio-fertilizer (Azotobactor+P.S.B.) followed by T9 (100% R.D.F. + 25% N through F.Y.M. + S + Zn+bio-fertilizer (Azotobactor+P.S.B.) and minimum at control (T1) during both the years. Maximum microbial population was recorded with T11 (100% R.D.F. + 25% N through vermicompost+S + Zn + bio-fertilizers (Azotobactor+P.S.B.) followed by T7 (100% R.D.F. + 25% N through F.Y.M. + S + Zn+bio-fertilizers (Azotobactor+P.S.B.) and minimum at control during both the years.
Keywords: Wheat yield, organic and inorganic fertilizers, RDF, bio-fertizers