Genetic Variability and Path Analysis for Yield and Associated Traits in Linseed Genotypes
Pramod Kumar Prajapati *
JNKVV-College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh (MP), India.
Shiv Ratan
JNKVV-College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh (MP), India.
Yogendra Singh
JNKVV-College of Agriculture, Jabalpur (MP), India.
D. K. Pyasi
JNKVV- Regional Agricultural Research Station, Sagar, MP, India.
Rakesh Kumar
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, C. S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology Kanpur, India.
Shobharam Thakur
JNKVV-College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh (MP), India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
An experiment was conducted to study the nature and magnitude of genetic variability with yield and related traits and characters association in linseed. Twelve diverse linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) genotypes were evaluated in randomized block design withthree replications duringrabiseason 2020-21 in the experiment field of AICRP on oilseeds in the college of agriculture Tikamgarh. The higher phenotypic coefficient values than corresponding genotypic coefficient values depicted influence of environment in the expression of traits. The data were recorded for days to flowering initiation, days to 50 % flowering, plant stand per hectare, plant height, primary branches per plant, capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule, biological yield per plant, days to maturity,1000 seed weight, yield per plant, yield per ha., protein and oil content.High to moderate magnitude of PCV and GCV were observed for the traits viz., 1000 seed weight, yield per plant, plant height, biological yield per plant, days to flower initiation indicating the presence of significant variability in the existing collection and in path coefficient analysis revealed the positive direct effect at both genotypic and phenotypic levels for the characters for days to 50% flower, plant height, number of capsule per plant, 1000 seed weight and primary branches per plant respectively.
Keywords: GCV, PCV, path coefficient analysis, direct effect, indirect effect