Adaptation Strategies against Climate Induced Changes by Farming Communities: The Case of Chilika Lake Wetland Ecosystem of Odisha

Vyshak Tomy *

Department of Agricultural Economics, OUAT Bhubaneswar, India.

Sarba Narayan Mishra

Department of Agricultural Economics, OUAT Bhubaneswar, India.

Abhiram Dash

Department of Agricultural Statistics, OUAT Bhubaneswar, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The aim of the study is to identify various adaptation strategies of farming communities under climate-induced changes in the wetland and to estimate the parameters involved in determining the strategies. The study was carried out in Chilika lake including the peripherals districts Khurda, Puri and Ganjam of Odisha. Primary data of 120 farmers across different sectors and secondary data pertaining to natural calamities occurred in the area has been used for the analysis. Probit analysis was used to estimate the parameters and its marginal effects on different adaptation strategies being identified. Among the farming community water conservation methods entailed, Integrated farming system, institutional aids, agronomic measures and cultivation of climate resilient varieties, identified as major adaptation strategies. It was discovered that 62.5 per cent of the farmers were going for climate resilient varieties, especially salt, drought and pest tolerant varieties. About half of the farmers were adopting agronomic measures to cope with climate change. Almost 60 per cent were depending upon institutional aids for various adaptation practices as well as gathering information for preparedness against any natural calamity. Less than half of the farmers responded that they were practicing integrated farming system and using water saving techniques against uncertainties in the weather. The model revealed that age, education, landholding, income from wetlands, Income from other sources and level of awareness were found to have a significant role in going for various adaptation strategies. This study provides understanding of adaptation decisions adopted by farmers of Chilika.

Keywords: Climate change, adaptation, probit model, Chilika; farming

How to Cite

Tomy, Vyshak, Sarba Narayan Mishra, and Abhiram Dash. 2022. “Adaptation Strategies Against Climate Induced Changes by Farming Communities: The Case of Chilika Lake Wetland Ecosystem of Odisha”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (24):700-709.