Impact of Front-Line Demonstration on Direct Seeded Rice Technology under Rice-Wheat Cropping System
Ajay Chourasiya *
Deendayal Research Institute, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Majhgawan, Satna (M.P.), India.
Tripathi Uttam Kumar
Deendayal Research Institute, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Majhgawan, Satna (M.P.), India.
Satyam Chauriha
Deendayal Research Institute, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Majhgawan, Satna (M.P.), India.
Ashok Kumar Sharma
Deendayal Research Institute, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Majhgawan, Satna (M.P.), India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Satna laid out Front Line Demonstration in the year Kharif 2020 and 2021 direct seeded rice technology on farmer’s field. Direct-seeded rice (DSR) has outperformed farmer’s practices. DSR performance was higher at 43.03 q/ha and 44.14 q/ha in 2020 and 2021, respectively, than at 35.83 and 35.92 q/ha in farmer’s practices. The average rise in performance was 21.49%. In spite of increase in yield of rice, technology gap and extension gap existed. The DSR technology gave higher gross monetary return (80380 & 85632 Rs./ha), net monetary return (44659 & 50086 Rs./ha) with higher benefit cost ratio (2.25 & 2.41) as compared to farmer's practices. The variation in per cent had increase the yield due to the use of long duration local rice varieties by following the practicing of broadcasting sowing method, poor crop management practices, lack of knowledge and poor socio-economic condition. With respect to sustainable farming practices, the study found that FLD programs were effective at changing attitudes, skills and knowledge about DSR adoption.
Keywords: FLD, DSR, broadcasting, rice, yield gap, economics