Nutrient Uptake and Yield Attributes of Container Grown Elephant Foot Yam as Influenced by Growth Medium, Nutrient and Irrigation Schedule
N. P. Limisha *
College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram – 695522, India.
O. K. Swadija
College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram – 695522, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
An experiment was done in the Instructional Farm, College of Agriculture, Vellayani to study the effect of growth medium, nutrient schedule and irrigation schedule on nutrient uptake and yield attributes of container grown elephant foot yam by raising elephant foot yam var. Gajendra in plastic sacks of uniform size with 12 treatment combinations involving three growth media (M1 - soil : sand : FYM (farmyard manure) 1:1:1, M2 - soil : coir pith : FYM 1:1:1 and M3 - soil : coir pith : FYM 0.75:1.25:1), two nutrient schedule ( N1 – N and K in three splits and N2 – N and K in six splits) and two irrigation schedule (I1 - irrigation once in three days and I2 - irrigation once in six days) with four replications in completely randomized design. Based on the result of this study, higher root number, weight plant -1, corm weight plant -1 and bulking rate of corm were recorded in the growth medium M2, application of N and K in six splits and irrigation once in three days . Bulking rate of corm was observed to be higher between 4 MAP and 5 MAP in all the treatments. Higher corm yield plant-1, utilization index, total dry matter production plant-1 and highest uptake of N and P was noticed with the growth medium M2, application of N and K in six splits and irrigation once in three days. Corm yield and total dry matter production plant -1 were positively and significantly correlated with N, P and K uptake plant -1.
Keywords: Elephant foot yam, growth medium, nutrient schedule, irrigation schedule, yield attributes