Performance of Mid-late Sugarcane Clones in AICRP(S) Trials for Quality Traits and Red Rot Resistance

S. Ganapathy *

Agricultural College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India.

V. Ravichandran

Tapioca and Castor Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India.

J. Jayakumar

Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), (TNAU), Vridhachalam, (TN), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of mid-late sugarcane pre-release clones for CCS yield and its contributing characters along with red rot disease resistance. Observation on brix per cent, sucrose (%), purity (%), extraction (%), fibre (%), CCS (%), cane yield (t/ha), and CCS yield (t/ha). From the results, it could be concluded that the mid-late maturing clone, CoC 14337, was found to be the best among the test clones for sucrose per cent and CCS yield along with resistance to red rot disease. Another clone, CoA 14323, was the next-best entry, with higher CCS yield, sucrose percent and red rot resistance, compared to the better standard. As a result, clones CoC 14337 and CoA 14323 were identified as the promising entries (clones) and could be forwarded for further yield evaluation trials before being released as a new sugarcane variety suitable for East Coast Zone of India.

Keywords: Sugarcane, mid-late clones, quality, sucrose %, CCS %, CCS yield

How to Cite

Ganapathy, S., V. Ravichandran, and J. Jayakumar. 2022. “Performance of Mid-Late Sugarcane Clones in AICRP(S) Trials for Quality Traits and Red Rot Resistance”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 34 (24):1068-73.