The Impact of Various IPM Modules on the Management of Major Insect Pests of Sesame in Madhya Pradesh's Bundhelkhand Zone

Shobhram Thakur *

AICRP on Oilseeds Sesame, JNKVV, College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh (M.P.) 472001, India.

M. K. Nayak

AICRP on Oilseeds Sesame, JNKVV, College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh (M.P.) 472001, India.

Shiv Ratan

AICRP on Oilseeds Sesame, JNKVV, College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh (M.P.) 472001, India.

Manisha Shyam

AICRP on Oilseeds Sesame, JNKVV, College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh (M.P.) 472001, India.

. Yogranjan

Department of Biotechnology, JNKVV, College of Agriculture, Tikamgarh (M.P.) 472001, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The All India Coordinated Research Project Sesame Centre, College of Agriculture, JNKVV, Tikamgarh (M.P.) conducted a field experiment in 2017 kharif season using a Randomised block design to examine the effects of several IPM modules on the control of the main sesame insect pest. The experiment was set up using a Randomized Block Design with three replications, six treatments, and 21.6 M2 plots for each, using the sesame variety modrate resistant TKG -22 as the test variety. All of the plots' seeds were treated with imidacloprid 600 (5g/kg seed), and all plots except for the control were intercropping with black gram (3:3) and yellow sticky trap (1 trap/plot). Profenofos 50EC (2ml/L), NSKE5% (T1 and T2), two sprays of NSKE5% + NSKE 5%, Profenofos 0.1% (2ml/l)+ NSKE 5%, and Profenofos 0.1% were used as the treatment, with the untreated control side receiving no treatment. The results showed that treated areas with insecticides outperformed untreated areas by a significant margin. Of the treatments, treatment T5 (imidacloprid 600FS (5g/kg seed) foliar spray of NSKE5% at 30 & profenofos 0.11% (2ml/l)45 DAS) was the most effective and recorded the lowest population of Antigashtra (0.17) larvae/5plant). Bud flies were greatly diminished, and the populations of the three main sucking pests—mirid bugs (0.24 bugs per three leaves/plant), white flies (0.48 Nymphs per three leaves/plant were at their lowest. In T5 (imidacloprid 600FS (5g/kg seeds + intercropping with black gram 3:3) foliar srpray of NSKE5% at 30, & profenofos 0.1% (2ml/l), the seed equivalent yield was also greatly increased. 45 DAS had the highest seed equivalent yield of 1176 kg/ha, the highest net profit of Rs. 78667, and the highest B:C ratio (6.11); T4 had the highest seed equivalent yield of 1075 kg/ha, the  net profit of Rs.70297, and the highest B:C ratio (5.48).

Keywords: IPM module, sesame pests, abiotic factors, neem product, bud fly, Antigastra catalaunalis

How to Cite

Thakur, Shobhram, M. K. Nayak, Shiv Ratan, Manisha Shyam, and . Yogranjan. 2023. “The Impact of Various IPM Modules on the Management of Major Insect Pests of Sesame in Madhya Pradesh’s Bundhelkhand Zone”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (1):77-85.