Host Efficiency of Scutellonema bradys in Yam Companion Crops in Nigeria
O. A. Kayode
Department of Crop Protection and Environmental Biology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
A. O. Claudius-Cole *
Department of Crop Protection and Environmental Biology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Aim: Fourteen plants associated with the cultivation of yam in Nigeria were assessed for host suitability to S. bradys.
Methodology: Cowpea, cassava, eggplant, fluted pumpkin, melon, maize, hot pepper, okra, water leaf, Mexican sunflower, tridax, peuro, and siam weed were inoculated with 5000 S. bradys individuals in sterilized or unsterilized soil. The experiment was a 3 x 14 factorial, laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). Data were analyzed using ANOVA and means were separated using Fishers Least Significant Difference (LSD) at 5% level of probability.
Results: Based on the number of S. bradys recovered from the soil and root symptoms, cowpea and yam were found to be good hosts to S. bradys with reproductive factor ≥ 2, while fluted pumpkin, okra, melon and eggplant were moderate hosts with reproductive factor ≥ 1. Maize, puero, hot pepper, waterleaf, Mexican sunflower, siam weed were non-host to S. bradys with reproductive factor ≤ 1.
Conclusion: maize, puero and hot pepper are non hosts of S. bradys and could be intercropped with yam to reduce nematode populations and help to minimizing to the use of nematicides for S. bradys management in the yam cropping systems.
Keywords: Dioscorea, host efficiency, intercrops, Scutellonema bradys.