Automation and Digitization in the Seed Sector: Offline to Online

B. Roopashree

Seed Technology Research Centre, AICRP on Seed (Crops), University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalore-560065, India.

Rame Gowda *

Seed Technology Research Centre, AICRP on Seed (Crops), University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalore-560065, India.

K. J. Sowmya

Seed Technology Research Centre, AICRP on Seed (Crops), University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalore-560065, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


As automation has become an integral part of today's world, the Internet of things (IoT) and Machine learning (ML) offers a platform for tracking and controlling different environments remotely with the help of sensors, controllers and the internet. Today IoT and ML are taking over control of agriculture industries and playing an important role in smart farming. The literature highlights the potential use of IoT and ML in agriculture and even in seed sector which is feasible for surveillance and monitoring from sowing to harvesting and similar packaging operations. In this review, we have highlighted the use of IoT applications with remote sensors such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, water level sensors and pH value providing an idea of automation in seed sowing, seedling development and yield, which displays precision as well as practical utility to cope with difficulties in the field. It also addresses the digitalization in seed distribution and market systems. Some notable prospects by ML in the seed industry viz., seed tracking and smart storage system has also been stated.

Keywords: Internet of things, machine learning, seed industry

How to Cite

Roopashree , B., Rame Gowda, and K. J. Sowmya. 2023. “Automation and Digitization in the Seed Sector: Offline to Online”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (7):40-51.