Impact of Tillage, Irrigation Regimes and Nitrogen Levels on Soil Moisture Dynamics, Growth and Productivity of Canola (Brassica napus)
Gagandeep Kaur
Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, India.
Satinder Singh Brar *
Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, India.
C. B. Singh
Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, India.
Madhu Dhingra
Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, India.
K. B. Singh
Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141004, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A field experiment was conducted at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, during rabi 2018-19 to examine the effects of tillage, irrigation and nitrogen rates on the productivity of canola (Brassica napus). Combinations of two tillage systems (Deep tillage- DT, and conventional tillage- CT), with three irrigation regimes viz; no irrigation (I0), one irrigation (I1) and two irrigations (I2) in main plots and four nitrogen (N) rates viz; 0 (N0), 50 (N50), 75 (N75) and 100 (N100) kg ha-1 in sub-plots with three replications. Lower soil moisture content was recorded under deep tillage. Root density in upper 60 cm soil depth was higher in I2 followed by I1 and I0 irrigation regimes whereas below 60 cm, it was higher under I0. Higher root density was recorded under DT and N100 plots. Irrigation and N application significantly improved plant height, relative leaf water content and SPAD value at different stages. Yield attributes and yield were highest under I2, deep tillage and N100 treatment. Oil content also improved with successive increments of N rate. It may be concluded that, for higher productivity, canola can be grown under deep tillage with sufficient irrigation (I2) and N fertilization (N100).
Keywords: Canola, soil moisture dynamics, N rates, root length density, yield attributes