Assessment of Variation in Physico-Chemical Properties of soil of Maize as Influenced by Levels of NPK, and Vermicompost at Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India
Shreya Raj *
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj (211007), Uttar Pradesh, India.
Ram Bharose
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj (211007), Uttar Pradesh, India.
N. Swaroop
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj (211007), Uttar Pradesh, India.
T. Thomas
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj (211007), Uttar Pradesh, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A field experiment was carried out throughout Zaid season 2022 on the research farm of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, SHUATS, Prayagraj, to examine the variations in physicochemical properties of soil and yield of maize, as affected by the levels of NPK and vermicompost in the eastern part of Uttar Pradesh. The soil at the test site was sandy loam in texture and is located at 25024’30’’ North latitude, 81051’10” East longitude, and about 98 meters above sea level. The experiment was designed in a block-based design that was randomly randomized with nine different treatments T1@0%NPK ha-1 + @0%Vermicompost ha-1, T2@0%NPK ha-1 + @50% Vermicompost ha-1, T3 @ 0% NPK ha-1 + @100% Vermicompost ha-1, T4 @ 50% NPK ha-1 +@ 0% Vermicompost ha-1, T5 @50% NPK ha-1 + @50% Vermicompost ha-1 , T6 @50%NPK ha-1 +@100%Vermicompost ha-1 , T7 @ 100% NPK ha-1 +@ 0% Vermicompost ha-1 , T8 @ 100% NPK ha-1 +@ 50% Vermicompost ha-1 , T9 @ 100%NPK ha-1+ @100% Vermicompost ha-1. which were replicated thrice. The soil's physico-chemical characteristics before sowing and following crop harvest were assessed using standard procedures. Bulk density, Particle density, percent pore space and water holding capacity Was determined by (Muthuval et al) pH, Ec and organic carbon was determined by Digital pH meter, Digital EC meter and Walkley and Black method respectively. Available N, P, K was determined by Kjeldhal Method, Colorimetric method and Flame photometric method respectively. The experimental findings showed that the Bulk density, percent of pore space, capacity for holding water, Ec, organic carbon and available N, P, K of soil were found to be significant at various quantities that included NPK and Vermicompost. Post-harvest soil physico-chemical properties (Water holding capacity, percent pore space, Electrical conductivity, organic carbon, Available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) were maximum underT9(100%NPK ha-1+ 100% Vermicompost ha-1) and followed by T8(100%NPK ha-1+ 50% Vermicompost ha-1). It was also observed that the soil's Bulk and particle density were improved under T9(100%NPK ha-1+ 100% Vermicompost ha-1) when compared with other control treatments and treatments combinations. Bulk density gradually decreased with an increased dose of NPK and vermicompost. So, integrating inorganic and organic fertilizers has resulted in improved physico-chemical properties compared to the sole use of 100% RDF.
Keywords: Vermicompost, NPK, maize, Prayagraj