Influence of Integrated Nutrient Management on Growth and Quality of Pre-seasonal Ratoon Sugarcane in Vertisol
D. D. Sawale
Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Pune-411005, Maharashtra, India.
A. L. Pharande
Departement of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri-413722, Maharashtra, India.
Govind Kumar Yadav *
Departement of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner-303329, Rajasthan, India.
Pradeep Kumar
Departement of Agronomy, SKN College of Agriculture, Jobner-303329, Rajasthan, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A study was conducted in an ongoing field experiment started during 2007-08 at Central Sugarcane Research Station, Padegaon, Maharashtra during 2012-13 and 2013-14 to study the effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and quality of pre-seasonal ratoon sugarcane (cv. CO-86032). The experiment consisted of eight integrated nutrient management (INM) treatments viz., 100 % of RD through organics (T1), 100 % NPK through inorganic (T2), Fertilizer as per soil test, FYM and biofertilizers (T3), 75 % of RD through organics + 25 % of RD through inorganics (T4), 50 % of RD through organics and 50 % of RD through inorganics (T5), 25 % of RD through organics + 75 % of RD through inorganics (T6), rishi-krishi tantra (T7) and jivamrut (T8) were laid down in randomized block design with replicated thrice. The results indicated that the number of millable canes, cane, top and sugar yields were recorded maximum (91.64, 132.09, 14.90 and 18.81 t ha-1 during Ist ratoon 2012-13 and 83.82, 124.69, 13.98 and 18.41 t ha-1 during IInd ratoon 2013-14, respectively) under the application of 25 % RD through organics and 75% RD through inorganic treatment (T6) and remained statistically at par with T3 (Fertilizer as per soil test, FYM @ 25 t ha-1 and biofertilizers as seed treatment @ 5 kg ha-1). The maximum value of reducing sugar 0.565 and 0.552% during Ist ratoon (2012-13) and IInd ratoon (2013-14), respectively was observed under treatment T2 (100 % NPK through inorganic).
Keywords: Integrated nutrient management, pre-seasonal, ratoon, treatments, cane and sugar