Efficacy of Bio-Pesticides and Chemicals against Gram Pod Borer [Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner)] on Greengram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)
Shaik Abdul Aleem *
Department of Entomology, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh-211007, India.
Usha Yadav
Department of Entomology, Naini Agricultural Institute, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh-211007, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A field experiment was conducted in the rabi season of 2022-2023 at Central Research Farm (CRF), SHUATS, Uttar Pradesh, India. The experiment was laid in Randomized Block Design with eight treatments each replicated thrice viz.,(T1)Indoxacarb14.5%SC, (T2) Spinosad 45% SC, (T3),Beauveria bassiana 1x108(T4), Neem oil 2% (T5) Emamectin benzoate 5% SG ,(T6) Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC, (T7) Bacillus thuringiensis and (T8) control plot . The data on the larval population of Helicoverpa armigera after first and second spray revealed that all the treatments were significantly superior over the control. Among all the treatments,the plot treated with (T6) chlorantraniliprole18.5%SC (1.122) recorded minimum larval population followed by (T2) Spinosad 45%SC (1.289) (T1) Indoxacarb (1.467), (T4) Emamectin benzoate (1.645) and (T7) Bacillus thuringiensis 1x108CFU (1.822),(T3) Beauveria bassiana (1.989) In this the maximum larval population was recorded in (T5) Neem oil (2.134). Among all treatments with pod borer infestation respectively. While, the highest yield (16.9q/ha) was obtained from the treatment Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC as well as B:C ratio (1:4.13) obtained high from this treatment. It was followed by Spinosad 45%SC (1:3.99), Indoxacarb14.5SC (1:3:94), Neem oil 2% (1:3.52), Emamectin benzoate (1:3.59),Bacillus thuringiensis 4% WSP (1:3.39), Beauveria bassiana 1.15% WP (1:3.18) as compared to control plot (1:1:19).
Keywords: Beauveria bassiana, Bio-pesticides 1.15%WP (1x108CFU), Bacillus thuringiensis 1x108, Chemicals, green gram, Helicoverpa armigera, indoxacarb