District Agro Meteorological Advisory Services in Agriculture, Horticulture and its Allied Sectors in NTR District of Semi Arid Region of South Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India

M. Raja Narasimha *

Department of Agrometerology, Dr. K. L. Rao KVK, Garikapadu NTR District, Andhra Pradesh-522614, India.

S. Krishnam Raju

Dr. K. L. Rao KVK, Garikapadu NTR District, Andhra Pradesh-522614, India.

I. Venkata Reddy

Department of Agricultural Extension, Dr. K. L. Rao KVK, Garikapadu NTR District, Andhra Pradesh-522614, India.

P. N. Siva Prasad

Department of Crop Production, Dr. K. L. Rao KVK, Garikapadu NTR District, Andhra Pradesh-522614, India.

N. Rajashekar

Department of Plant Protection, Dr. K. L. Rao KVK, Garikapadu NTR District, Andhra Pradesh-522614, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Agriculture is the main economy for rural population over 70 per cent of Indian population depends on agriculture directly or indirectly. Agriculture plays important role in rural economy. Weather plays crucial role in agriculture. Timely weather forecasting plays main role in agriculture by keeping the view India Meteorological Department and Indian Council for Agricultural Research, were initiated 1 centers at KVK. In Andhra Pradesh 7 District agro-meteorological units (DAMUs) centers (Amadalavalasa, Rastakuntabai, Garikapadu, Darsi, Nellore, Utukuru and Banavasi) were established as well as in India 340 DAMUs were established to send agro advisory services at district level. In N.T.R and Krishna district DAMU initiated during the year 2019 located at Dr. K.L. Rao Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Garikapadu. The DAMU units send biweekly bulletins in the N.T.R and Krishna district every Tuesday and Friday. During the year 2022-23 in Kharif season provides more number of agro and its allied sectors advisories. In cotton Boll Rot management and Pink Boll Worm management messages more number of messages sent. Horticulture crops such as Chilliprovided more no. of messages on black thrips management. In livestock buffalo foot and mouth disease control vaccine messages has been sanded as well as in poultry to control of rannikhet disease sent more. Weather related messages has been communicated through what’s app groups and telegrams.

Keywords: Agriculture, horticulture, livestock, BI weekly, district agro meteorology units, Indian meteorological department

How to Cite

Narasimha , M. Raja, S. Krishnam Raju, I. Venkata Reddy, P. N. Siva Prasad, and N. Rajashekar. 2023. “District Agro Meteorological Advisory Services in Agriculture, Horticulture and Its Allied Sectors in NTR District of Semi Arid Region of South Coastal Andhra Pradesh, India”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (18):663-69. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2023/v35i183331.