Effect of Row Arrangement and Integrated Nutrient Management on the Yield of Aromatic Fine Rice (cv. BRRI dhan34)

R. Marzia

Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh

M. A. R. Sarkar

Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh

S. K. Paul *

Department of Agronomy, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


An experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh from June to December 2014 to study the effect of row arrangement and integrated nutrient management on the yield of aromatic fine rice (cv. BRRI dhan34). The experiment comprised three row arrangements viz. single row (row spacing 25 cm), double row (row spacing 25-10-25 cm), triple row (row spacing 25-10-10-25 cm), and six nutrient managements viz. control (no manures and fertilizers), recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers (i.e. 150, 100, 70, 60 and 10 kg Urea, TSP, MoP, Gypsum and ZnSO4, respectively ha-1), 50% of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers + cow dung  at 5 t ha-1, 75% of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers + cow dung at 5 t ha-1, 50% of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers + poultry manure at 2.5 t ha-1 and 75% of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers + poultry manure at 2.5 t ha-1. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The tallest plant (120.65 cm), the highest number of total tillers hill-1 (12.87), panicle length (25.49 cm), grains panicle-1 (161.81) and grain yield (3.79 t ha-1) were obtained from double row arrangement. With respect to nutrient management 75% recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers + cow dung at 5 t ha-1 gave the highest plant height (124.60 cm), number of total tillers hill-1 (15.05), number of effective tillers hill-1 (12.98), longest panicle (25.29 cm), grains panicle-1 (155.66) and grain yield (3.89 t ha-1). The control treatment (no manures and no fertilizers) gave the lowest values for these parameters. The highest grain yield (4.30 t ha-1) was found in double row arrangement combined with 75% recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers + cow dung at 5 t ha-1, which was statistically identical with the combined effect of double row and 75% of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers + poultry manure at 2.5 t ha-1 and the lowest grain yield (2.08 t ha-1) was found in triple row arrangement in control (no manures and fertilizers). Therefore, double row arrangement combined with 75% recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers + cow dung at 5 t ha-1 and 75% of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers + poultry manure at 2.5 t ha-1appeared as the promising practice in aromatic fine rice (cv. BRRI dhan34) cultivation in terms of yield.


Keywords: Row arrangement, integrated nutrient management, aromatic fine rice, yield

How to Cite

Marzia, R., M. A. R. Sarkar, and S. K. Paul. 2016. “Effect of Row Arrangement and Integrated Nutrient Management on the Yield of Aromatic Fine Rice (cv. BRRI dhan34)”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 13 (5):1-8. https://doi.org/10.9734/IJPSS/2016/30158.