Response of Spacing and Nitrogen on Yield and Economics of Kharif Sweetcorn (Zea mays L. saccharata)

Arbaaz Khan *

Department of Agronomy, Naini Agricultural Institute, SHUATS, Prayagaraj-211007, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Rajesh Singh

Department of Agronomy, Naini Agricultural Institute, SHUATS, Prayagaraj-211007, Uttar Pradesh, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


A field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2022 at Crop Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, SHUATS, Prayagraj (U.P). To study treatments consisting of three levels of Nitrogen such as, 80, 100 and 120 kg/ha with spacing such as 75 x 10 cm2, 60 x 20 cm2 and 45 x 30 cm2. The soil of experimental plot was sandy loam in texture, nearly neutral in soil reaction (pH 7.1), low in organic carbon (0.28%), available N (225 kg/ha), available P (19.50 kg/ha) and available K (92 kg/ha). There were 9 treatments each being replicated thrice and laid out in Randomized Block Design. The results revealed that treatment 8 (Nitrogen 120 kg/ha + 65x20 cm) was recorded maximum number of cobs/plant (2.33), higher seeds/row (41.33), maximum row/cob (14.40), weight of green cob (351.20 g), higher green cob yield (4.15 t/ha), higher stover yield (4.59 t/ha), harvest index (45.90 %), gross returns (1,48,950.00 INR/ha), net returns (1,04,914.00 INR/ha) and benefit cost ratio (2.38).

Keywords: Nitrogen, spacing, growth, yield, economics, sweetcorn

How to Cite

Khan , Arbaaz, and Rajesh Singh. 2023. “Response of Spacing and Nitrogen on Yield and Economics of Kharif Sweetcorn (Zea Mays L. Saccharata)”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (18):1564-69.