Study of Plant Diversity in Red Sanders Park in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, India

M. Sam Williams *

Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, India.

Neelam Khare

Department of Silviculture and Agroforestry, College of Forestry, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The study deals with the assessment of plant diversity in Red Sanders park in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. A total of nine species of trees belonging to six families with 1625 individuals, 25 species of shrubs belonging to 18 families with 2,042 individuals and 40 species of grasses and herbs belonging to 14 families with a total of 1,016 individuals were encountered. Quadrat size of 400 m2 were established for trees, 100 m2 for shrubs, 20 m2 for grasses and herbs. In terms of IVI, Pterocarpus santalinus was found to be the most dominant tree species, chromolaena odorata was found to be the most dominant shrub species and Bothriochloa ischaemumwas found to be the most dominant grasses and herb species. The result of the phytosociological aspects in all four sites concluded that for trees, Site-IV showed the highest value for Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index (H) (1.73). For shrubs, Site-I showed the highest value for Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index (H’) (2.52). For grasses and herb, Site-III had a Shannon-Weiner Diversity Index (Hˈ) of 2.62. The quantitative analysis of diversity and phytosociological attributes of tree species recorded from the present study may provide baseline information for formulating a working plan for conservation and management strategies for the forest.

Keywords: Plant diversity, floristic diversity, forest type, forest ecology

How to Cite

Williams , M. Sam, and Neelam Khare. 2023. “Study of Plant Diversity in Red Sanders Park in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh, India”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (19):37-64.