Effect of Application of Zn and Mn on Growth, Yield and Economics of Garden Pea (Pisum sativum var. hortense L.)

Heena *

Department of Horticulture, School of Agriculture, Abhilashi University, Mandi H.P. 175028, India.

Deependra Yadav

Department of Horticulture, School of Agriculture, Abhilashi University, Mandi H.P. 175028, India.

Sandeep Kumar

Department of Horticulture, School of Agriculture, Abhilashi University, Mandi H.P. 175028, India.


Department of Soil Science, School of Agriculture, Abhilashi University, Mandi, H.P. 175028, India.

Alok Kumar

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, School of Agriculture, Abhilashi University, Mandi, H.P. 175028, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The present investigation entitled “Effect of application of Zn and Mn on growth and yield and economics of garden pea (Pisum sativum var. hortense L.) was carried out at the Research farm of the School of Agriculture, Abhilashi University, Mandi (H.P.) during Rabi season 2021. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with seven treatments in three replications. The result revealed that the soil chemical properties i.e., Soil pH (5.98 pH) was maximum recorded in T6 (basal application of Zn @ 50% of RDF and Mn @ 50% of RDF + foliar application of Zn @ 1% and Mn @ 0.5%.) which showed non-significant effect on soil pH, available Zn and Mn was maximum recorded in T3 basal application of Zn @ 100% of RDF + Mn @ 100% of RDF (1.67 ppm) and (2.01 ppm), maximum organic carbon (0.74 %) was maximum observed in T6  basal application of Zn @ 50% of RDF and Mn @ 50% of RDF + foliar application of Zn @ 1% and Mn @ 0.5%. Minimum days to 50% emergence (25.33), maximum plant height (31.66 cm, 53.33 cm at 30, 45 DAS respectively), number of leaves per plant (23.02 and 41.23 at 30 and 60 DAS respectively), fresh weight (62.06 g), dry weight (6.84 g), days to 50% flowering (37.33), number of pods per plant (15.79), shelling percentage (51.40 %), number of seeds/pod (8.46) individual pod weight (6.33 g), yield/plant (113.69 g), yield/plot (14.55 kg) and yield per hectare (194.00 q/ha) , highest net return (3,26,535) along with maximum benefit: net return per rupee invested (1:4.25) were recorded with the use basal application of Zn @ 50% of RDF and Mn @ 50% of RDF + foliar application of Zn @ 1% and Mn @ 0.5% in treatment T6. Basal application of Zn @ 50% of RDF and Mn @ 50% of RDF + foliar application of Zn @ 1% and Mn @ 0.5% was found highly beneficial for plant growth, yield and economics of garden pea.

Keywords: Zinc, manganese, growth, yield, garden pea

How to Cite

Heena, Deependra Yadav, Sandeep Kumar, Ravinder, and Alok Kumar. 2023. “Effect of Application of Zn and Mn on Growth, Yield and Economics of Garden Pea (Pisum Sativum Var. Hortense L.)”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (19):968-74. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2023/v35i193632.