Studies on the Bee Flora's Availability for Apis cerana indica in the Kashmir Valley during Spring Season
Shoaib Momin Jan
Division of Entomology, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.
Sushil Kumar *
DPMO, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.
S. S. Pathania
Division of Entomology, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.
Muneer Ahmad
DARS, Rangreth, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.
Mushtaq Ahmad Lone
Division of Entomology, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.
Amit Kumar
Division of Fruit Science, SKUAST-Kashmir, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
The present study was carried out to investigate the diversity of nectariferous and polleniferous bee flora and to create a floral calendar for Harwan, Srinagar in 2021-2022. The number of flowering plants in and around the apiary; and the foraging behaviors of honeybees were noted. A total of 44 bee flora species in and around the apiary were foraged by Apis cerana, out of which 34 bee flora species were identified as sources of both pollen and nectar, 5 species as sources of pollen and 5 species as a source of nectar. The Bee flora identified included 44 species, out of which 17 species were wild plants and the remaining species were cultivated for different purposes: floriculture (11 species), agriculture (1), horticulture (10) and social forestry (1). The maximum number of bee flora species was recorded in April followed by May and the lowest in March. The honey flow season normally persists up to the end of May, therefore artificial feeding should be provided to get maximum advantage of the forthcoming floral rich season.
Keywords: Apis cerana indica, bee flora, spring, Kashmir