Economic Dimensions of Mustard Cultivation under Sprinkler Irrigation in Southern Haryana
Indu Walia *
Department of Agricultural Economics, CCSHAU, Hisar, India.
Sanjay Kumar
KVK Kaithal, India.
Janailin S. Papang
Department of Agricultural Economics, CCSHAU, Hisar, India.
Aarti Bajwan
Department of Agricultural Economics, CCSHAU, Hisar, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
In the present paper an attempt has been made to study the economic analysis of mustard crop grown under sprinkler irrigation system in southern Haryana. Multistage random sampling technique was used for the selection of sample farmers. At the first stage, Bhiwani and Rewari districts were chosen based on the high rate of adoption of sprinkler irrigation system. From each district then, two blocks i.e., Tosham and Loharu from Bhiwani district and Khol at Rewari and Nahar blocks from Rewari district were selected purposively. Further, two villages from each block and fifteen farmers from each village were taken for study. The primary data from 120 farmers were collected by personal interviews with the help of a pre-tested schedule. Information regarding cost and returns of mustard crop were gathered from sampled farmers for the year 2021-22 and the net return was worked out accordingly. The total variable cost incurred for cultivation of mustard accounted for ₹28767.98 and ₹33178.23 in Rewari and Bhiwani districts, respectively. Total cost incurred was ₹66243.33 and ₹70321.22 in Rewari and Bhiwani district, respectively. Farmers got higher net returns in Rewari district (₹22902.23) as compared to Bhiwani district (₹19364.07). The B:C ratio over total cost in Rewari, Bhiwani and overall were 1.34, 1.27 and 1.30, respectively.
Keywords: B:C ratio, economic analysis, mustard, net return, sprinkler irrigation system