Effect of Different Seed Treatment and Media on Shoot Growth of Ashwagandha, Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal

A. M. Ganvit *

Department of Plantation, Spices, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops, ASPEE College of Horticulture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India.

J. M. Ganvit

Department of Vegetable Science, ASPEE College of Horticulture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India.

B. S. Desai

Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities, College of Forestry, Navsari, Gujarat, India.

S. J. Patil

N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujarat, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Indian Ginseng or Ashwagandha, is one of the most important Under the present study the seeds were soaked with treatment (S1) GA3 (250 ppm - 24 h.) recorded maximum germination percentage (66.11 %) and maximum plant height at 15 (3.00), 30 (8.38), 45 (15.98), 60 (25.20), 75 (34.05), 90 (42.98), 105 (52.07) and 120 (59.02) days, respectively. Maximum no. of branches/plant at 15 (0.0), 30 (0.22), 45 (0.71), 60 (1.73), 75 (1.76), 90 (2.80), 105 (3.0) and 120 (3.84) and no. of leaves/plant were also recorded higher in S1 at 15 (3.42), 30 (7.67), 45 (20.42), 60 (33.11), 75 (41.62), 90 (55.98), 105 (67.24) and 120 (75.87) DAS respectively. In the Similar treatment, no. of leaves were also found superior over other treatments with maximum total leaf area (33.57 cm2), shoot fresh weight (55.06 g), shoot dry biomass (38.34 g), plant fresh weight (60.10 g) and plant dry weight (18.77 g) as compared to other treatments applied.

The treatment (M3) media combination of Red soil + Vermicompost + FYM (1:1:1) gave significantly highest results in context to seed germination percentage (71.94 %), total leaf area (32.08 cm2), shoot fresh weight (58.70 g), shoot dry biomass (40.91 g), plant fresh weight (64.05 g) and plant dry weight (19.82 g), respectively. In same treatment, highest plant height at 15 (3.29), 30 (9.78), 45 (18.14), 60 (26.85), 75 (35.54), 90 (44.13), 105 (55.03) and 120 (60.17), no. of branches/plant at 15 (0.0), 30 (0.27), 45 (0.68), 60 (1.89), 75 (1.97), 90 (2.87), 105 (2.90), 120 (3.83)  and no. of leaves/plant at 15 (3.72), 30 (8.46), 45 (22.46), 60 (35.23), 75 (43.91), 90 (55.87), 105 (67.47) and 120 (75.92) respectively were recorded.

Interaction effect between pre-sowing treatment and different media was observed significant in seed germination percentage and maximum (80 %) in the treatment S1M3.

Keywords: Seed treatment, media, ashwagandha and GA3

How to Cite

Ganvit , A. M., J. M. Ganvit, B. S. Desai, and S. J. Patil. 2023. “Effect of Different Seed Treatment and Media on Shoot Growth of Ashwagandha, Withania Somnifera (L.) Dunal”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (20):145-52. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2023/v35i203794.