Soil Application of Sea Weed Extract Granules and Foliar Application of Nano ZnO to Bt Hybrid Cotton to Vertic inceptisols

Ambati Ravinder Raju *

Division of Crop Production, Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur 440010 (M.S.), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Bt hybrid cotton was significantly benefitted by the soil application of Sagarika sea weed extract granules at 25 kg ha-1 yr-1 along with the recommended basal fertilizers dose or foliar application of nano ZnO 4% at 0.04% at squaring and flowering stages. These treatments  significantly enriched index leaf residual  P and  Zn content beyond 20 μg g-1  fresh weight during boll development stage and this resulted in  significant improvement in lint yield by 7.5% i.e. 35 kg lint ha-1 yr-1, C:B ratio by 5.0% and net returns to the tune of ₹. 5000 ha-1 over alone 100% RDF in eroded Vertic inceptisols deficient in N, Mg, S, Zn and B. Excess rains at seedling and vegetative stage followed by drought at reproductive stages in both years, reduced the economic viability of seed treatment with bio-stimulants and foliar applications besides soil and foliar application of Zn, S, B alone or together to Bt hybrid cotton.

Keywords: Bio-stimulants, B:C ratio, foliar application, Granules, nano ZnO, phosphorous, sea weed extract, seed treatment, Vertic inceptisols, zinc deficiency

How to Cite

Raju , Ambati Ravinder. 2023. “Soil Application of Sea Weed Extract Granules and Foliar Application of Nano ZnO to Bt Hybrid Cotton to Vertic Inceptisols”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (20):260-68.