Changes in Levels of Soluble Sugar, Reducing Sugar and Lipid during Germination of Seeds of Albizia procera

Rupnarayan Sett *

Division of Genetics and Plant Propagation, Tropical Forest Research Institute (ICFRE; MoEFCC), Mandla Road, P.O. RFRC, Jabalpur 482021, Madhya Pradesh, India

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The biochemical levels of total lipid, soluble sugar and reducing sugar in early germinating seeds collected from 3 trees of Albizia procera aged around 25 years were estimated from the 1st day of germination till the 15th day. With progression of germination, total lipid content decreased in all the 3 trees. No such continuous trend could be drawn regarding the levels of total soluble sugar and total reducing sugar when the results showed ups and downs in their concentrations at different days of germination. However, in both the cases, retaining a considerable level up to 12th day of germination was noticed. The recorded results might be beneficial for further studies on the metabolic activities of germinating seeds in Albizia procera or related tree species.


Keywords: Albizia procera, White Siris, Safed Siris, Karai, seed, seed germination, soluble sugar, reducing sugar, lipid, tree embryogenesis

How to Cite

Sett, Rupnarayan. 2016. “Changes in Levels of Soluble Sugar, Reducing Sugar and Lipid During Germination of Seeds of Albizia Procera”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 12 (1):1-15.