Baby Corn-Based Intercropping System in Enhancing the Growth and Production of Winter Season Baby Corn in Chhattisgarh Plains

Minu Mohan *

Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture (Raipur), I.G.K.V (C.G), India.

S. N. Khajanji

Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture (Raipur), I.G.K.V (C.G), India.

N. Pandey

Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture (Raipur), I.G.K.V (C.G), India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


An experiment was carried out during the winter season (rabi) for two years 2019-20 and 2020-21 on Instructional cum Research Farm, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalay, Raipur (C.G.) to enhance the production of baby corn through intercropping. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with eight treatment consisting of sole and paired row baby corn along with a combination of various legumes. The treatments were T1 : sole baby corn (45 x 20 cm), T2 : paired row baby corn (30/60 cm) T3 : sole fenugreek (30 x 10 cm), T4 : sole pea (30 x 20 cm), T5 : sole cowpea (30 x 20 cm) T6 : paired row baby corn + pea (2:2), T7 : paired row baby corn + fenugreek (2:2) and T8 : paired row baby corn + cowpea (2:2). The result of the experiment was concluded that growth attributes was highest under the treatment of T6: paired row baby corn + pea which was closely followed by T8: paired row baby corn + cowpea. Also, T6: paired row baby corn + pea maximized the baby corn cob and fodder yield and therefore pea proved to be a valuable intercrop with baby corn in enhancing the production of baby corn.

Keywords: Baby corn, cob yield, fodder yield, intercropping, legumes, RBD

How to Cite

Mohan, Minu, S. N. Khajanji, and N. Pandey. 2023. “Baby Corn-Based Intercropping System in Enhancing the Growth and Production of Winter Season Baby Corn in Chhattisgarh Plains”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (20):393-96.