Evaluating the Effect of Boron & Molybdenum Micronutrient Application Methods on Growth in Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

J. J. Ghadiali *

Anand Agricultural University, Anand 388110, India.

C. Sahoo

Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar 751003, India.

S. J. Macwan

Anand Agricultural University, Anand 388110, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The present investigation was conducted during Rabi 2019 season at the central farm, Regional Research and Technology Transfer Station, Coastal Zone, OUAT, Bhubaneswar. The fresh seeds of groundnut variety Devi (ICGV - 91114) were used as sowing material. The field was laid out in randomized block design with twelve treatments and three replications. The treatments were T1 (Seed priming with Borax solution @ 0.01%), T2 (Seed priming with Borax solution @ 0.05%), T3 (Seed priming with Borax solution @ 0.10%), T4 (Foliar application of Borax @ 100 ppm), T5 (Soil application of Borax @ 10 kg/ha ), T6 (Seed priming with Sodium Molybdate @ 0.25 g/l for 2 hours), T7 (Seed priming with Sodium Molybdate @ 0.50 g/l for 2 hours), T8 (Seed priming with Sodium Molybdate @ 0.75 g/l for 2 hours), T9 (Foliar application of Sodium Molybdate @ 50 ppm), T10 (Soil application of Sodium Molybdate @ 1.5 kg/ha), T11 (T2 + T7) and T12 (Control). The results revealed that different growth phases have shown profound effect. Morphological characters of the T11 showed significant increase in the plant height, number of branches, number of leaves and leaf area. Physiological analysis of treatments revealed T11 significantly higher increment as compare to other treatments in the dry weight of the plant and leaf area index. It was revealed that the treatment T11 has shown as superior performance over other treatments in groundnut.

Keywords: Groundnut, seed priming, foliar application, soil application, morphological characters, boron, molybdenum

How to Cite

Ghadiali, J. J., C. Sahoo, and S. J. Macwan. 2023. “Evaluating the Effect of Boron & Molybdenum Micronutrient Application Methods on Growth in Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.)”. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science 35 (20):397-409. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2023/v35i203821.