Effect of Organic Manure and Gliricidia leaf Extract on Soil Properties after Harvest of Green Gram under Organic Farming
Jolly J. Patel *
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, N. M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari – 396 450, Gujarat, India.
A. P. Italiya
Department of Natural Resource Management, Aspee College of Horticulture, Navsari Agriculture University, Navsari – 396 450, Gujarat, India.
A. R. Kawala
Department of Natural Resource Management, Aspee College of Horticulture, Navsari Agriculture University, Navsari – 396 450, Gujarat, India.
P. K. Dubey
Department of Natural Resource Management, Aspee College of Horticulture, Navsari Agriculture University, Navsari – 396 450, Gujarat, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
A field experiment was conducted during the summer season of 2022 to find out the influence of organic manure and Gliricidia leaf extract on soil fertility under green gram at the organic farm, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, Gujrat. The experiment site was high in organic C content (0.73 %), medium in available nitrogen (257.96 kg/ha) and phosphorus (27.14 kg/ha) while high in available potash (579.13 kg/ha) with pH 7.50 and EC 0.28 dS/m. The result indicated that available N was observed to significantly maximise under the application of 100% RDN through Compost + GLE @500 l/ha at 20, 40 and 60 DAS while available K2O and DTPA extractable Fe were significantly maximum under the application of 100% RDN through Compost + 2% GLE through the foliar spray. Soil pH, EC, organic C, available P2O5, DTPA extractable Mn, Zn, and Cu were not affected significantly due to different treatment comprising various organic sources.
Keywords: Gliricidia leaf extract, green gram, organic manure, soil fertility