Effect of Organic Sources and Fertilizer Levels on Physiological Response of Garlic by Using Infrared Gas Analysis (IRGA) in Western Rajasthan, India
Suresh Kumawat *
SKRAU, Bikaner, India.
S. R. Yadav
Zonal Director Research, Agricultural Research Station, SKRAU, Bikaner, India.
R. S. Rathore
SKRAU, Bikaner, India.
B. D. Sharma
RNB Global University, Bikaner, India.
Sumitra Kumawat
Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi, India.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Crop growth and yields are negatively affected by sub-optimal water supply and abnormal temperatures due to physical damages, physiological disruptions, and biochemical changes. A better understanding of garlic responses to organic and inorganic sources conducted A two years field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Farm, SKRAU, Bikaner during Rabi 2020-21 and 2021-22. The experiment comprising total 32 treatment combinations; eight sources of organic materials (Control (M0), FYM @ 20 t ha-1 (M1), Groundnut husk (GNH) @ 20 t ha-1 (M2), Wool waste (WW) @ 20 t ha-1 (M3), FYM @ 10 tha-1 + GNH @ 10 t ha-1 (M4), WW @ 10 t ha-1 + GNH @ 10 t ha-1 (M5), WW @ 10 t ha-1 + FYM @ 10 t ha-1 (M6), WW @ 6.67 t ha-1 + FYM @ 6.67 t ha-1 + GNH @ 6.67 t ha-1 (M7) and four fertilizer levels (Control (F0), 50% RDF (F1), 75% RDF (F2) and 100% RDF (F3) in split plot design with three replications. Result indicated that maximum improvement in photosynthetic rate was recorded under the wool waste applied @ 20 t ha-1 with 100% recommended dose of fertilizer.
Keywords: Wool waste, FYM, groundnut husk, fertilizer, photosynthetic rate